Urban Nature?!

The ability to adjust your gaze to see something that is otherwise invisible.

Recognising nature or wilderness in the city means reading the signs of the present. What massive upheavals are happening right now and what do they look like on your own doorstep? In "The Wild Places", Robert Macfarlane writes about his search for the last patches of wilderness in his urban environment.

These observations and thoughts can provide inspiration to change the perspective on your own surroundings and to go in search of the indomitable power of nature - in the city. But adjusting your gaze doesn't happen on its own; it begins with the help of a pencil and other tools. Observing, listening, discovering and drawing.

Those who draw their surroundings begin to see things with different eyes, to see more and to recognise details – as if under a microscope. Drawing is not an end in itself, but a vehicle to process things that have been seen, heard and identified and how they stand in relation to each other. In collaboration with biologists, artists, teachers and students, the Natural History Museum in Berlin, the Canoe Club for Urban Exploration, Berlin schools and many others.

Photos: Daniela del Pomar und Paul Holdsworth,

Jessica Baltuttis, Oskar Neumann

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